Monday, March 29, 2010

Israel Fears Obama Heading for Imposed Mideast Settlement

Curt Here...

According to the article posted below President Obama is planning on imposing a permanent Mideast settlement on Israel and the Palestinians in less than two years. It seems to be clear that President Obama is telling Israel that your last chance to put forth a good faith effort to negotiate a deal is here and if they fail to do so it will forcefully imposed.

The huge problem with this approach is that the deal that everyone is trying to shove down Israels throat is one that they can not accept if they would like to remain a sovereign nation. Israel, under Prime Minister Netanyahu will not willingly give up East Jerusalem and this is exactly what they are currently demanding Israel to negotiate away. Which is why I have a very hard time believing that Obama and the world is going to wait and let the two year time frame clock run out on this.

It is very clear that this is a shot over the Israeli bow and soon I believe that it will be very clear that Israel will not wilt under international pressure. If and when this happens then the prophetic fireworks begin. Like I have said before, there will be a two state solution whether Israel likes it or not, which will be the perfect setup for the middle of the 70Th week. Could this all happen in the next few months? Well see.

Stay Tuned



U.S. President Barack Obama's demands during his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last Tuesday point to an intention to impose a permanent settlement on Israel and the Palestinians in less than two years, political sources in Jerusalem say.

Israeli officials view the demands that Obama made at the White House as the tip of the iceberg under which lies a dramatic change in U.S. policy toward Israel.

Of 10 demands posed by Obama, four deal with Jerusalem: opening a Palestinian commercial interests office in East Jerusalem, an end to the razing of structures in Palestinian neighborhoods in the capital, stopping construction in Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, and not building the neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo.

But another key demand - to discuss the dispute's core issues during the indirect talks that are planned - is perceived in Jerusalem as problematic because it implies that direct negotiations would be bypassed. This would set up a framework through which the Americans would be able to impose a final settlement.

It is not just Obama's demands that are perceived as problematic, but also the new modus operandi of American diplomacy. The fact that the White House and State Department have been in contact with Israel's European allies, first and foremost Germany, is seen as part of an effort to isolate Israel and put enormous political pressure on it.

For more go here...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Israeli Supreme Court Says No to Korban Pesach

Curt Here...

According to the article posted below, which can be found on the website "Temple Mount Updates," (you can find it here.. the Israeli Supreme Court has rejected the petition for the renewal of the Korban Pesach or the Passover Sacrifice. It sounds like the threat of violence from Muslims along with the potential political fallout in foreign relations was enough for the Supreme Court to reject this petition.

We will continue to follow this and many other signs of our Lord's return as they develop.

Stay Tuned



News Alert: Israeli Supreme Court says no to Korban Pesach

Sad news has reached the Temple Mount Movements, moments ago it was announced that the Supreme Court has rejected a petition for the renewal of the Korban Pesach (Passover Sacrifice).
Part of the ruling read as follows:

” Indeed, the basic starting point is that every Jew has the right to the Temple Mount and pray there… However, these rights are not absolute and can limit their implementation taking into account public interest… In light of the centrality and importance of the Temple Mount many other religions, too, the danger arising from a flare of violence is not only a local threat… what is happening on the Temple Mount effect political considerations and foreign relations of the state.”
In response various Temple Mount Organizations were quick to reposnd:

“The Land of Israel is acquired through pain, sadly much pain.”

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, Head of Organization for Human Rights on the Temple Mount

“The Heart of every Jew should shudder at this ruling. This ruling is reminiscent of the decree of the evil king of Israel, Yeravam Ben Nevat, who also did not allow the Jewish People to ascend and worship on the Mount”

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Israel Supreme Court Respondes Positively to Korban Pesach Offering

Curt Here..

Thanks to made4eternity over at Fulfilled Prophecy for finding this story.

Potential big news today as it appears as if the Israeli Supreme Court has responded positively to the petition by the Sanhedrin and other Temple Mount groups to their request to offer the pesach offering this passover season. According to the article posted below the high court has given the Israeli government three days to respond to the petition, which if I am understanding correctly means that we might have some sort of ruling by this weekend.

This petition has been made in past years but has always been rejected in the interest of public safety. This appears to be the first time that the high court is seriously considering the request.

It is very hard to say how this going to play out and I am not about to make a prediction on the outcome, but I will say this, if the Israeli government and the Israeli Supreme Court allows Passover sacrifices this year, then the time of our Savior's return is drawing near.

Stay Tuned.



Big News: Korban Pesach this year?

After 2,000 years of heartfelt prayers the wait might be over!

The Supreme Court has responded positively to a petition by Temple Mount Movements in regard to the special pesach offering! The high court has given the government 3 days to respond to the petition and did not reject the petition outright as was expected.

We will keep you up to date with the case and the final decision of the Supreme Court!


Temple Institute wants to Offer Biblical Passover Sacrifice

( The Temple Mount Institute has filed suit in its fight for the right to sacrifice a sheep on the Temple Mount prior to Passover, as commanded in the Torah.

"The command to perform a Paschal [Passover] sacrifice is a positive commandment; the punishment for failing to perform it is 'karet' [lit. -- 'cut off', meaning that a person is cut off from the Nation of Israel], and it can be performed only on the day before Passover and only on the Temple Mount,” the organization explained in a petition to the Supreme Court. Fighting the group's request are the Israel Police, who argue that the sacrifice would lead to Muslim riots and thus threaten public safety.

Jews have the right to offer animal sacrifices on the Temple Mount under Israeli law, the organization claimed. Israelis are guaranteed the right to freedom of worship, and Israel prides itself in allowing members of all faiths to access their holy sites.

In previous years, the court has ruled that the right to freedom of worship is outweighed by the consideration of public safety, and has forbidden the Paschal sacrifice.

The Temple Mount Institute also took the opportunity to take police to task for barring Jews and Christians from the Temple Mount following Muslim riots. “The Israel Police is giving rioters a 'prize' and encouraging them to hold violent riots and disturb the peace, on the one hand, and is discriminating against Jews and members of other faiths and trampling their human rights – the right to freedom of movement and freedom of worship – on the other,” the organization accused.
The Institute asked the court to order police to explain why Jews are barred from the mount when Muslims riot.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Temple Mt Groups Ask Police to Allow Passover Sacrifice

Curt Here...

According to the article posted below "Jewish organizations" wrote a letter to the Jerusalem District police commander requesting that they be allowed to offer the Passover lamb sacrifice this Passover season. These unnamed Jewish organizations in my humble opinion are most likely organizations such as the Sanhedrin and the Temple Institute.

This request has been made in the past and has always been denied. If we are in the near season of our Lord's return, then I would expect for this request to somehow gain approval. Time will truly tell on this and the good news is that we don't have much time to wait as Passover begins Tuesday, March 30Th.

Stay Tuned



( Jewish organizations that promote the reestablishment of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem wrote a letter to the Jerusalem District police commander Aharon Franco asking him to allow the offering of the Passover lamb sacrifice as is proscribed by the Torah (the Bible).

Petitioners stated in their letter that "the Israeli police has the the responsibility to allow the Passover sacrifrice as part of its role to allow freedom of worship to anyone on the Temple Mount.".

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Kosher Red Heifer is Alive and Well in Israel!

Curt Here...

According to the article and the audio link posted below, Rabbi Chaim Richman has announced on a radio show that there is at least one kosher red heifer alive and well in Israel. You can click on the audio link below and go to part 2, a little past 38 minutes in to hear the announcement for yourself. This is a very momentous announcement.

This is very significant from a prophetic and Jewish perspective as the ashes from a red heifer are required for purification and a requirement for the future Temple. Here is a quote from the website, "The Temple Institute", (you can find it here.. ) "For G-d has ordained that its ashes alone are the single missing ingredient for the reinstatement of Biblical purity - and thereafter, the rebuilding of the Holy Temple. "

With the recent completion of the sacrificial altar, and with the announcement from the Sanhedrin inviting the world to participate in the Korban Pesach sacrifice this Passover season, and now with the arrival of the red heifer you have to wonder if the time of our Savior's return is near.

Stay Tuned



Audio: A Red Heifer is Alive and Well in Israel!

In this highly charged live special two hour broadcast of Temple Talk, Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman reflect upon the lessons of Purim and modern-day Hamans. They also talk about the relationship between the Golden Calf and the mysterious Red Heifer, including the dramatic revelation of a new red heifer alive and well in Israel at an undisclosed location! Our hosts take some lively calls from listeners and interview Yosef Rabin, a Temple activist working diligently on the International Temple Mount Awareness Day (March 16th) project. How are you going to be active in your community to raise Temple Mount awareness? Rabbi Richman reads an angry, threatening letter from a Moslem, plus a letter from the US government, both indicating that people are defintely taking notice of, and acknowledging the importance of, International Temple Mount Awareness Day. Be part of it!

For more go here..

Friday, March 5, 2010

U.S. Vows to Assign Blame if Israel-PA Talks Fail

Curt Here...

Thanks to an email from Jackie a fellow watcher for alerting me to the article posted below.

There has begun another push from the international community for a resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. This would be the latest in a long line of past failed negotiations. The difference in this latest push is that according to the article posted below the United States is prepared to assign blame to whichever party is responsible for the failed negotiations.

The article hints that the United States is prepared to take it a step further. According to a document sent by the US Administration to the leadership of the Palestinian Authority the US is prepared to take action if negotiations fail. Here is quote from that document, "We expect both parties to act seriously and in good faith. If one side, in our judgment, is not living up to our expectations, we will make our concerns clear and we will act accordingly to overcome that obstacle."

So what is this obstacle that has been so difficult to overcome in past negotiations you might ask? Some might even refer to this obstacle as a burdensome stone. It is without a doubt the attempt by many world leaders to create a Palestinian state and in the process split Jerusalem. Israel refuses to give up East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount and the Palestinians insist on having these areas in their future state.

Lately in the news you will find that there has been a very public rally from many leaders from across the globe to just forget the negotiations and unilaterally through the UN declare a state of Palestine. In my opinion this is where this is heading. The world leaders including ours here in the US are laying the groundwork for the appearance that there is no other option, (because of Israels failure to meet their previous agreements ENP,Road Map etc.) but to declare a State of Palestine.

Oh yes a Palestinian state is coming, whether Israel likes it or not.

Stay Tuned



Exclusive: U.S. vows to assign blame if Israel-PA talks fail

The United States government has committed to playing a role in indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, and promised that if the talks were to fail, the U.S. will assign blame and take action, according to a document sent by the U.S. to the Palestinian Authority, which Haaretz obtained on Friday.

The U.S. government sent the document to the Palestinians responding to their inquires regarding the U.S. initiative to launch indirect talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

"We expect both parties to act seriously and in good faith. If one side, in our judgment, is not living up to our expectations, we will make our concerns clear and we will act accordingly to overcome that obstacle," it was written.

This commitment by the U.S. was a determining factor in the Palestinians' and the Arab League's decision to agree to the U.S. proposal on indirect talks.

The document also reveals that U.S. involvement will include "sharing messages between the parties and offering our own ideas and bridging proposals."

The U.S. also emphasized that their main concern is establishing a Palestinian state.

"Our core remains a viable, independent and sovereign Palestinian State with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967," the document read.

Regarding the settlements, the U.S. noted its continued commitment to the road map, which dictates that Israel must freeze all construction in the settlements, and dismantle all outposts erected since March 2001.

"Palestinian leaders gave the U.S. response a warm welcome"

A prominent Palestinian official told Haaretz that the Palestinian leadership welcomed the U.S. response, and the only reason PA President Mahmoud Abbas delayed responding to the U.S. initially was so he could receive support from the Arab League.

The Palestinians are especially satisfied from the U.S. commitment to put the blame on the side responsible if the talks fail.