Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creation groaning for Christ's Return

Mike here ...

As the news and images from Haiti first hit my electronic screens my heart ached for a group of people already struggling to survive everyday having yet another challenge to overcome.

As believers we should take care to watch our thought process and conclusions we draw as to why these natural disasters even happen.

We can take so many approaches in our attempt to make since of a catastrophic event like this.

I was reminded of an interesting scripture found in Romans 8

18For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

19For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.

20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope

21that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

22For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.

23And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.

verse 22 tells us that all of creation groans and suffers the birth pain of Christ's return.

Continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will use the devastation of Haiti to call believers closer to our savior and that we can all see His hand in even difficult to understand situations.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sanhedrin Calling World to Pesach Sacrifice

Curt Here...

Hello everyone.

Life for me lately has gotten very hectic, and has limited the amount of time I have been able to devote to blogging. Having said that there has been some very significant prophetic news that has broken over the last few weeks. This blog entry is an attempt on my part to report on it all under one post. As it turns out, since it broke over a couple week period of time, it is kind of nice to be able to summarize it all under this one post and it really helps bring home how significant this could be.

A couple of weeks ago, a poster by the name of Adamantine over at posted a link to a website (you can find it here.. ( ) put up by the recently reestablished (2004) Sanhedrin inviting the word to participate in what they called the "Sanhedrin Initiative" this Passover in Jerusalem. Here is an insert from their home page.

This year in Jerusalem, the Sanhedrin Initiative is calling upon the Jewish people in Israel and throughout the world to participate in the Korban Pesach. The Sanhedrin Initiative will choose sheep to be offered in the Korban Pesach, and all preparations will be made in the expectation that we can renew this ancient, traditional offering. In the event that political or other obstacles intervene, the Sanhedrin Initiative has taken halakhic precautions to ensure that the monies for purchasing the sheep can still be used for charitable donations.

Any person wishing to participate in the Korban Pesach can enroll himself and members of his family for the price of seven shekels per person --the estimated cost of a Kezayit of meat, the minimum portion necessary for fulfilling the commandment. The process will be supervised by licensed accountants, whether the monies will be used for the original purpose or will be donated to charity.

In case you were wondering the Korban Pesach is the sacrifice of Passover also known as the "Paschal Lamb." It is the sacrifice that the Torah mandates to be brought on the eve of Passover.

This of course is big news by itself, but when you put it together with an announcement that was made by the Temple Institute around Christmas time, it could be potentially huge. On Christmas day the Temple Institute announced that the construction of the sacrificial altar had been completed. If you have been following this blog, than you are aware that back in July I posted that the Temple Institute had started construction on the sacrificial altar (you can read about that here... ). It has now officially been completed. Here is a link to that story... , which I would encourage you to read, but I have posted a picture of this altar for your viewing. This altar has officially been ruled as Kosher and has been constructed to meet the exact specifications that are required to except sacrifices.

So after digesting this information, a lot of questions come to mind. Since it appears as if the Sanhedrin are really going to attempt to start sacrifices this Passover season, then are they going to use this newly constructed altar? What about the Temple, it is not built yet, do they need it? Fortunately another poster by the name of made4eternity at Fulfilled Prophecy had the guts to email the Sanhedrin directly and ask them these questions along with a few others and to my surprise they answered. Below is a copy of the questions and answers to that email.

Question: Do you intend to use the newly built alter? I understand it is mobile. I have also heard that other tools have been prepared for use.

Sanhedrin’s response: Yes

Question: Another very important question I would love to know, do you intend to erect any kind of tent or portable Tabernacle?

Sanhedrin’s response:
No need for a tent. The sky is enough. But every step is depended on the permition of the secular government of Israel. Mean while the government is afraid from the Arabs. And afraid of changing the Jews attitude to the religion following such act.

Question: Surely the Israeli government will soon realize nothing will appease the Arabs and it is time to move forward in Israel's best interest?

Sanhedrin's response:
There is a difference between the state ISRAEL and the nation ISRAEL. The state Israel is a state of 2/3 Jews 1/3 non-Jewish the majority of this 1/3 are hating the nation ISRAEL. About 1/3 of the Jews are assimilated Jews who reject in some way their Jewish identity and they are behaving like traitors (This is a result of the long time being spread among Non-Jewish – 2000 years). To this balance add the international pressure which is operated on Israel only, because Israel is not a mad state, and Israel is Of Jews which means beat again the Jews, and Israel has not oil, and what remain from the Jewish nation is 14,000,000 persons instead of 500,000,000 persons (if not the continues holocausts during 2000 years), and because the Muslims are counted 1,500,000,000 and their political power is very great, and the pope (That leads more or less another 1,500,000,000 persons) wants, silently behind the walls, continuously, to erase Israel from the earth because it's existence made theological problem to Christianity, and the leadership of the Israeli state does not claim the right for Israel because it was s gift from G-D but uses secular reasoning (because it is a secular leadership) that are useless. All these together means that the government of Israel is not reacting well against outside pressure and from time to time it's relation toward Jews worst than it happened to Jews in another country.

Question: Regarding the Temple, is it already built and ready to be transferred to the Temple Mount?

Sanhedrin's response: No

Question: If not, will it take long to build?

Sanhedrin's response:
Depending upon the resources that will be invested in the project. According the existing technology it may be finished during 3 months.

Question: Or, do you have a tent/tabernacle such as was used in the wilderness in the days of Moses?

Sanhedrin's response:
No tent will be constructed! It is contradictory to the Torah. The tent of Moses was a temporary unique event in history.

You can find this here...

Let me try to quickly tie this altogether. This blog has been following a seven year agreement between the EU and Israel called the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). It was officially agreed to on October 24, 2006 and it went into effect on January 1st, 2007. Passover season this year starts on March 30th and goes through April 4th (Easter). Quick math on this shows that this passover season is 42 months from October 24, 2006. 42 months from January 1st, 2007 would be around the June, July time frame of this summer. We know from scripture (Daniel 9:27) that in the middle of the 70th week (42 months) the Anti-Christ will put a stop to sacrifices. He will also walk into the Temple of God and display himself as being God.

Daniel 9:27
27. "And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate."

2 Thess 2:4
4. who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

In order for the above scriptures to be fulfilled the Korban Pesach sacrifice must at some point start again and for the ENP theory that I have been watching to have any chance of being true this must happen very soon. Is this the year? Are we really that close? Absolutely mind boggling if it is.

Stay Tuned


Monday, January 18, 2010

WEU Document Recomends a Forced Peace Agreement

Curt Here...

Thanks to Adamantine, a poster over at for finding what I believe to be a very important document put out by the Western European Union (WEU). This document, (you can find it here... is dated December 2nd, 2009 and is numbered Recommendation 843 and titled "European security and the Middle East." I believe it details the WEU's plans to work towards a forced peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Here are a couple of quotes for your consideration.

12. Envisage the option of the international community putting a solution on the table if the parties concerned in the Middle East cannot make further headway.

The two-state solution is the only one that can resolve that dilemma once and for all: yet things have become so complex that the prospect of such an outcome is looking more remote than ever. The division of the Palestinian territory, the occupation of the West Bank and the opposition between Fatah and Hamas and slim chances of reconciliation all serve to complicate the prospect of a Palestinian state.

Yet without it there can be no viable Israeli state and no lasting peace. So it would seem that the only possibility, the one people are hoping for, is a political decision imposed from the outside.

Peace in this region and in this part of the Middle East will depend on a decision from outside it. It will, in other words, be a solution imposed by the international community and guaranteed by the United Nations. A precondition for peace is the recognition of a sovereign and viable Palestinian state. The situation is tragic, but the logic is simple: it is in Europe's interests, in concert with the United States, to take rapid and resolute action to arrive, after 60 years, at a peaceful settlement.

From these quotes I think this is what could happen soon. A resolution would be introduced at the UN declaring a Palestinian state. This resolution will get the approval of the international community and pass the UN security council. It will then be enforced on the ground by the EU. This resolution will be a two state solution with East Jerusalem as the capital of the new state of Palestine. Judea, the West Bank and the Temple Mount will all be part of this new state. Israel of course will not agree to this and will fight it setting up the prophetic scenario we see in scripture.

I of course could be wrong, but documents like this give us very good reason to watch very carefully over the next few months.

Stay Tuned


Sunday, January 10, 2010

How Marvelous How Wonderful

Chris Tomlin Lyrics
"Chris Tomlin I Stand Amazed (how Marvelous) lyrics"

I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how He could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.

O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
Is my Savior's love for me!

He took my sins and my sorrows,
He made them His very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary,
And suffered and died alone.

When with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see,
’Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me.

Have a good Sunday everyone.


Friday, January 8, 2010

US Special Envoy George Mitchell Threatens Israel with Sanctions

Curt Here...

Happy New Year everyone. I wish I had better news to be reporting on, but I don't.

According to the article posted below US special envoy George Mithell has threatened the state of Israel with sanctions, which would include cutting off American financial aid, if Israel fails to advance peace talks and make progress towards a two-state solution. Mitchell, with the help of Secretary of State Hilary Clinton are trying to convince Israel to resume peace talks immediately without preconditions.

My immediate observation of this news is that the US and the world are getting very impatient with the lack of peace in the Middle East, and because of their lack of patience they are trying to force peace on the region. The obvious question to me is, what has changed over the last few months in the positions of Israel or the Palestinians that would allow peace to occur? The Palestinians refuse to recognize Israel as state and they demand East Jerusalem as their future capital. Israel refuses to give up East Jerusalem, they will not stop settlement construction in the West Bank and Israel refuses to seriously negotiate with a people that will not acknowledge their right to exist. These are all deal breakers for both sides.

Something has to give, and I honestly don't see either side giving in on their demands. When the world leaders realize this and there is no patience left, that is when the fireworks start. My guess is this could happen much sooner than many think.

Stay Tuned



Mitchell: Mideast stagnation endangers US aid

On eve of visit to region, American special envoy threatens Israel with sanctions if it fails to advance peace talks, two-state solution. Secretary of State Clinton says working to restart negotiations 'without preconditions'

WASHINGTON – On the eve of his visit to the Middle East, US special envoy George Mitchell threatened that his country would freeze its aid to Israel if the Jewish state failed to advance peace talks with the Palestinians and a two-state solution.

Mitchell clarified in an interview to the PBS network that the United States would use incentives or sanctions against both sides.

According to American law, Mitchell said, the US can freeze its support for aid to Israel. He added that all options must remain open and that the sides must be convinced about what their important interests are.

The US envoy noted that some progress had been made and that his country would continue its efforts to resume the negotiations.

The American guarantees allow Israel to raise funds at low interest rates and improve the Jewish state's credit rating. The last time the US threatened to freeze the guarantees was during the term of President George Bush Sr. and former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.

Ahead of Mitchell's visit, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held talks Friday with Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh and Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit. Egyptian Intelligence Minister Omar Suleiman is also in Washington.

Clinton's aim is to recruit Egypt to host a possible meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, in which a resumption of direct negotiations will be declared.

The secretary of state Hillary Clinton said after meeting with her Jordanian counterpart that she was working to restart peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis "without preconditions."

"We are working with the Israelis, the (Palestinian Authority), and the Arab states to take the steps needed to relaunch the negotiations as soon as possible and without preconditions," she said.

Clinton and Judeh said that resolving those matters first would eliminate Palestinian concerns about continued construction of Jewish settlements in disputed areas. They said negotiations should begin as soon as possible and be bound by deadlines.

"Resolving borders resolves settlements, resolving Jerusalem resolves settlements," Clinton said after meeting Judeh at the State Department. "I think we need to lift our sights and instead of being looking down at the trees, we need to look at the forest."

Peace efforts in the past have tended to focus on broader issues, including settlements, the fate of Palestinian refugees and water, with even more contentious matters like borders and Jerusalem being left for so-called "final status" talks.

"If you resolve the question of borders then you automatically resolve not only settlements and Jerusalem but you identify the nature on the ground of the two-state solution and (what) it looks like," Judeh said.

Both Clinton and Judeh spoke out against new Israeli housing construction in east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim as their capital, saying it was damaging to the process.

For more click the link...,7340,L-3831661,00.html