The following is a summation using scriptural references listed below: America & Babylon can be substituted for one another at any time in this Summary...
is the most powerful nation in the world, the youngest and greatest Queen
amongst all nations. She is a lady of
stature and the praise of the whole earth.
She is the richest nation in the world: All nations grow rich from her world
trade system. She is a huge nation with
lands, cities, and great wealth timbered with buildings; a land of open fields
quartered by mighty rivers measured out and populated through and throughout. She is also polluted and a waste. The nation is filled with warm water
sea-ports, a coastal nation that sits upon many waters. She is a nation filled with mingled people,
diversity. She is a singular nation
founded upon out of the many, one. She
has a mother nation that remains in existence from its birth to its death. The mother of America has the symbol of the
lion. The mother of America will
rule over her daughter her entire life.
The mother of America
will be in a state of major decline as the end nears. America is called a lion’s whelp. She has the symbol of the eagle with diverse
colors, and builds her nest among the stars.
She is a treaty power and is an end-time great nation. She was and is instrumental in the setting up
of Israel and protecting in
the Middle East, and is home of God’s people. She is the center of a one world religious
merchants are considered great men of the earth. They trade with all who have ships in the
sea, year round. America is rich in minerals: Her
imports/exports are of the many resources, agriculture, cattle, sheep, horses
and other livestock as well as spices.
She has fine flour & mill operations equipped with granaries and
warehouses, farmers and harvesters of huge crops. She is also the most industrial nation of the
world. Skilled craftsman produce the
automobile, jewelry, gold, silver, marble, iron, and steel. They have established corporations throughout
the world. She also leads in musicians
& entertainment around the world.
is the hammer of the whole earth. She
has a huge space industry, equipped with aircraft and a highly sought after
aviation program. Her skies are filled
with the sound of aircraft. Military
might, high-tech weapons and abilities. She
is a military arsenal and war machine. Her
military power rules the world; however she is a virgin nation as she has not
been touched by war on her lands.
Her people have the highest standard of living in the
world. They think they are God’s elect
and eternal. They are a nation that
dwells carelessly before the Lord lounging in their security. They will be a people who will not know their
true identity “Mystery Babylon”. They are
a missionary nation for Jesus Christ, and home to multitudes of Jews who
eventually leave. The Christian leaders
are considered strangers in the house of the Lord, and they lead the flock
astray in prophecy and salvation. The
people of America
fall into the deepest, darkest sins of all kinds. They will be deeply involved in the occult
and spiritualism as well as drugs. America becomes
the home of all antichrist religions in the world and becomes a nation of
religious confusion. They are a people
consumed by their idols. America’s
people are proud and haughty and will not consider her end.
has higher education and learning, they are a great voice in world
affairs. Their world government is
established throughout the world. She is
a democracy that is ruled by many counsels.
She is bogged down with deliberations, and cannot govern herself
properly. Her leaders use astrology,
seers, and mystics for guidance. America’s
government system eventually breaks down.
She was born a Christian nation, but also labored in the occult from her
inception. She turns against her
heritage, and destroys herself.
will have a major enemy to her north her enemy will lie on the opposite side of
the world, over the poles. The enemy
will be a federation of nations. Her
enemy will be largely Muslim in make-up and will have inter-continental nuclear
missile capabilities. The enemy will be
noted for its cruelty and will also have a huge aviation military machine. The enemy will come into America
un-noticed, and will fill her. They will
be brought in under the guise of peace.
In the end America’s
borders will be cut off, leaving no way for escape. Babylon
will be destroyed by nuclear holocaust (Fire).
falls to the occult, just before her end.
She turns upon her own people imprisoning and killing them by the
millions. She will turn totally
antichrist at the end. The king of Babylon is called
Lucifer, the Antichrist. The King will
rule from the great city called Babylon.
(Jer. 50-51, Isa. 47, Rev. 17-19, Isa. 18, Isa. 13-14, Hab.
1-2, Dan. 7, Eze. 38, Psa. 17, Rev. 13, Dan. 11, Psa. 83, Eze. 17, Oba. 1, Psa.
64, Zech. 5).