Tuesday, September 28, 2010

End of a Theory, Not the End of the Story

Curt Here,

First off, I am sorry to have been away for so long. After following the ENPI theory, first put forth by the late Herb Peters (including the apparent failure of this theory over the Summer) very diligently since 2004, I needed a break from watching so closely. I did not quit watching altogether over the last couple of months, I doubt I will ever do that, as I am too much of a Bible prophecy nut, but the time away from posting regularly here on this blog has been very good for me. Now, feeling somewhat refreshed, I hope to continue on and report on the news that will someday lead to the return of our Lord and Savior.

So, since we are roughly three years and nine months into the seven year ENPI agreement between Israel and the EU, and since according to Scripture the Anti-Christ puts a stop to sacrifice and grain offering in the middle of the week (Daniel 9:27) and is given authority to act for 42 months (Revelation 13:5) and these two events have not occurred yet, I believe that the ENPI theory as Herb first described it and as I understand it is no longer a valid theory.

Having said that, I don't pretend to know exactly how everything is going to play out and it would seem possible that we have not heard the last of the ENPI agreement and of former EU High Representative Javier Solana. You see, the ENPI is still a valid seven year agreement between Israel and the EU, and it has financial teeth as well as future membership consequences to Israel if they do not live up to their end of the agreement.

One of the conditions of this agreement is that Israel must make progress towards peace in the Middle east. If you have been following the news lately the international push for peace has been very active, but we still seem to be far away from any kind of comprehensive peace agreement. As a matter of fact as I write this it appears as if direct negotiations have been suspended due to Israels settlement moratorium expiring (see article below). The consequences of another failed push for peace is unknown at this time, but war in the Middle East is always part of the discussion and tensions are very high right now.

Javier Solana, not surprisingly to me is still very active in world politics and should still be watched closely. There are many other players including Iran, Turkey, Syria, Russia and many other world leaders including or own President that seem to be pushing our world down a prophetic path towards the return of our King.

So, as the title of this blog entry states, just because the ENPI theory has appeared to have failed it does not mean it is the end of the story.

Stay Tuned.



Direct negotiations suspended

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks come to de facto halt after Israel lets settlement moratorium expire. PA says will wait until Arab League convenes before making final decision on talks' fate

Are the peace talks on the verge of breakdown? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas agreed – but the biweekly meetings the two leaders agreed upon seem to have gotten off to a bumpy start.

The expiration of the moratorium placed on West Bank settlement construction and ensuing tensions seem to have put the entire peace process on hold. US Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell is expected to arrive in Israel, in an effort to somehow circumvent a deadlock in the talks, but the Palestinians said it is unlikely that negotiations will resume prior to the next Arab League conference, set for October 4.

Although the Americans are applying pressure in an effort to reach an agreement over the settlements before the Arab League convenes, direct negotiations seem to have been halted for the moment.

Sources in Jerusalem estimate that Palestinians are interested to resume talks, and will certainly not declare them over officially prior to the US midterm elections in November, so not to harm US President Barack Obama.

However, if a solution is not found before the Arab League convenes – Mitchell will once again become the key mediator between the two sides, as direct talks will be called off. Government officials told Ynet that Netanyahu will not agree to a complete construction freeze, and that he will not be able to garner the majority needed to pass such a decision.

For more go here